Understanding Personality Disorders



Rainer Sachse

Psychiatrie Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

125 pages

Patients with personality disorders are considered difficult, hard to treat and also have a reputation for upsetting psychiatric teams and hospital wards.

Rainer Sachse, a popular German author and psychologist shows how we can develop understanding for people with personality disorders. He sees personality disorders at their core as relationship disorders and uses the model of double action regulation he developed to illustrate how unfavourable relationship patterns develop and what problems result for the patients and their social environment.

Numerous examples illustrate common relationship traps that therapists and nursing staff can “fall into”. Chapters on the special problems of working in a team and with relatives round off the book and make it a must for everyone working in the psychosocial field.

Chinese Rights sold to Ho-Chi Book Publishing Co, Taiwan

11th edition

Rainer Sachse

Prof. Dr. Rainer Sachse heads the Institute for Psychological Psychotherapy (IPP) in Bochum. He has published numerous books, mainly on psychiatry research and therapeutic relationship design.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger