The Topophilia Effect


New Age / Esoterics

Roberta Rio

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Health. Success. Love: How do the places where we live, work or spend our holidays, affect our lives? The historian Roberta Rio is studying the history of buildings, apartments or properties and comes across recurring patterns. By using ancient knowledge and new research findings she shows us in this book what we should know about the effects of places and how we can find them out ourselves.

Roberta Rio

Roberta Rio received her doctorate summa cum laude in history and holds visiting professorships at the universities of Bologna, Vienna and Berlin, for example. She first presented the method she uses to analyse places at the University of Glasgow in 2011. Born in Italy, she has studied the ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Sanskrit languages intensively, has written numerous academic articles and lives in Carinthia and Bavaria.

Agence Schweiger