The Bliss of Being a Woman


Tarots & Oracles

Klaus Holitzka


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

50 cards
89 x 127 mm
including guidebook
(104 pages)

Loving compliments of connection for yourself and a friend of the heart

Strength, beauty, stub- bornness, caring, creativity, intuition, love, determination, spiritual wisdom … femininity has many facets, and all of them want to be celebrated. Whether as a gift for a best friend, beloved sister, cheris- hed colleague, or ourselves, these 50 cards with encou- raging compliments and inspi- ring messages accompany us on our paths to self-awareness and honour our individu- alities. The cards celebrate female communion and wo- manhood itself, yet they also touch us deep inside and help us recognise our diversity and power. The conveyed wisdom reminds us how important it is to understand our own value, to develop ourselves, and to go for our dreams.


Klaus Holitzka

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger