The Oil-Pulling Cure



Katharina Wolfram


Language of origin

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Infos :

128 pages
Colour illustrations throughout

Healing through detoxication

Rinse your mouth with vegetable oil for a few minutes – that’s all! The oil-pulling cure is this easy and yet highly effective: Toxins and waste products are released from the mouth’s mucous membranes to the oil, which has rejuvenating effects on body and soul and strengthens your immune system. Give it a try and you will soon notice that fatigue and skin impurities are a thing of the past while infectious diseases and allergies are efficiently prevented.

Katharina Wolfram, expert for holistic and alternative medicine, invites you to discover this classic of naturopathy. Ranging from basic instructions on rinsing and detoxification to choosing the appropriate kind of oil you learn everything you need to know about oil- pulling.

  • ›  one of the most effective methods of detoxification described professionally
  • ›  five minutes daily of oil-pulling for a new vitality
  • ›  for anyone who wants to improve their health

Katharina Wolfram

Katharina Wolfram lives as an independent journalist and author in Munich. In her work she focuses on topics such as “health”, “alternative healing” and “spirituality”, which she already covered in numerous book publications.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger