Communicating with Animals



Abbas Schirmohammadi

Christiane Krieg


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

40 cards
Size: 100 x 150 mm
Including instruction
16 pages

How to understand your pet

From heart to heart Animals talk to us – if we remember the common language. As soon as we train our intuition and learn to exchange inner perceptions with our best animal friend, there are no more obstacles to a mindful, respectful and empathetic relationship on equal level. Be it as a set of random day by day impulses, be it as an exercise programme for the animal-human team, this card deck will open up a heart-to-heart communication with dogs, cats, and horses, with rabbits, budgies, and turtles.

Abbas Schirmohammadi

Abbas Schirmohammadi is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, high performance coach and mediator. He is one of Germany's leading experts in the coaching sector and for autogenic training. In his practice, he works with client-centred conversation, relaxation techniques and solution-oriented coaching. For more than 15 years he has been helping clients to achieve more success, health and happiness. He is the author of numerous psychological books as well as relaxation, mental training and coaching CDs.

Christiane Krieg

Christiane Krieg, a trained animal communicator and holistic coach, lives near Hamburg with her husband and their animals. Training in healing currents, shamanism and quantum healing complete her repertoire with which she works as an animal interpreter, medium and life counsellor. It is important to her to bring out and strengthen the light of each individual's soul, which is often hidden behind beliefs and old hurts.

Agence Schweiger