Ho‘oponopono and Family Constellations
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Understand relationships, forgive in love, and witness healing
Two powerful methods combined for new ways of healing
Think consciously about your relationships in life, just for a moment. Probably the first relationship that comes to your mind is the one to your partner or the one to your parents. There are of course many more, e. g. those to your colleagues at work or to your friends, but also those to your figure, your past and your future, your money or even your cluttered drawers. Did you know, that any problem in a relationship can be healed? And since any problem in the world is a relationship problem, all problems can be healed!
With his bestseller »Ho‘oponopono« (more than 220,000 copies of the German original sold, translated into more than 12 languages), Ulrich E. Duprée has already given to us a method of healing: solving problems and conflicts by using the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual. With Ho‘oponopono, we learn to forgive ourselves and others. Yet this method becomes even more powerful in connection with the method of family constellation. In a constellation, subliminal conflicts can be brought to daylight and thus be solved. This way, we feel love and inner peace again – and we discover that everyone and everything is deeply connected to everyone and everything else.