Building bridges



Thomas Prünte

Junfermann Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

176 pages

The secret of closeness and distance in a romantic relationship

Do you long for more closeness and connection? Or, on the contrary, is your relationship too close and you would like more space for yourself? The lockdown during the Corona pandemic showed how significant the need for human closeness and distance is. Wanting to be close to a person and not being allowed to is painful. On the other hand, all those who had to spend more time together in a confined space than they were used to, noticed a growing need for more distance.

Finding the right balance of closeness and distance is – not only in times of crisis – a challenge in every relationship.

This book …

  • lists the reasons that make it difficult to achieve a good balance,
  • gives suggestions for illuminating and improving one’s own relationship and one’s relationship with oneself,
  • presents stores of various couples which help to deal more consciously with problems of closeness and distance.

Thomas Prünte

Thomas Prünte is a graduate psychologist and has been working in his own psychotherapeutic practice in Hamburg for over 30 years. He works as a couples therapist (EFT) and as a lecturer at various training institutes. As an author, he has dealt extensively with the question of how people can live and love in a meaningful way.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger