The swan lake oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Carole-Anne Eschenazi

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

224 pages booklet + 45 cards
12.5 x 17 x 3.5 cm


45 oracle cards and the accompanying book to move forward on your life path

Love, beauty, duality, transformation, duty, nature, death, destiny, free- dom… These are some of the great themes of Swan Lake, this mythical ballet with a spellbinding score, certainly the most famous in the world, today an oracle that will soon become a faithful companion for you.

Immerse yourself in the world of Odette and Siegfried with the 45 sumptuously illustrated oracle cards and decipher their messages with the complete accompanying guide. You hold in your hands a real divi- natory tool able to enlighten all your questions and to bring you light, inspiration, anchoring, guidance and solutions.


Carole-Anne Eschenazi

Specialized in divinatory games for more than ten years, Carole-Anne Eschenazi is a creator of oracles and tarot cards. She has also the author of two practical books on the use of tarot and oracles: Se développer et s’épanouir avec le tarot divinatoire and Se développer et s’épanouir avec les oracles divinatoires.

Agence Schweiger