The Inner Marriage



Elliott Saxby

Inner Traditions

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

224 pages
6 x 9
4 black-and-white illustrations

A Guide to Masculine and Feminine Polarity Work

How to integrate and evolve your inner masculine and feminine

  • Explains polarity work as a tool to heal trauma, become less judgmental, and develop a more integrated relationship with ourselves and others
  • Explores 44 common traits of mature and immature masculine and feminine expressions, explaining how to evolve unhealthy expressions into healthy ones
  • Offers simple yet profound methods for evolving your inner masculine and feminine, as well as healing the shadow

    Within our body, mind, and soul, each of us has both masculine and feminine dynam- ics. Through polarity work, we can balance, evolve, and integrate the masculine and feminine within our personality, creating an inner marriage that in turn supports the release and transformation of trauma on the cellular, emotional, and soul levels.

    In this practical guide, Elliott Saxby presents methods and exercises to apply polarity work as a tool in integrative and non-dual therapy to help you identify masculine and feminine traits within yourself, become less judgmental, and develop a more integrated relationship with yourself and others. He explains how emotional energy can affect you physically and spiritually and how understanding your inner masculine and inner femi- nine can help you evolve unhealthy expressions of polarity into healthy ones. He exam- ines 11 common life experiences through the lens of mature and immature masculine and feminine expressions, providing 44 traits to identify within yourself and consciously choose to change. He then shows what evolving the masculine and feminine looks like, as well as depicting the shadow in immature masculine and feminine expressions. You can find beneficial solutions to nearly any emotional or relationship scenario if you consciously work with your mature and immature aspects and with the shadow.

    Fusing ancient Vedic knowledge and Western psychology with Tantric and Taoist wisdom, Saxby offers simple yet profound methods for evolving your inner masculine and feminine, as well as healing the shadow, through applying universal laws of polarity, duality, and oneness and the laws of attraction, vibration, and resistance. He also explores sexuality and desire through polarity work and the need to re-align our physical, mental, and emotional bodies to generate power through sexuality.

    As the author reveals, the more adept we become at integrating our inner mascu- line and feminine, at supporting our inner marriage, the more empowered and able we become to evolve our relationships not only with ourselves, but also with our partners, family, and friends.

Elliott Saxby

After a colorful and traumatic childhood, Elliott Saxby spent six years in the Findhorn Ecovillage before traveling to Asia, where he studied yoga, massage, and Taoist and Tantric practices. The founder of the School of Energetic Bodyworks, Elliott teaches and trains therapists in non-dual therapy and Kundalini bodywork around the world.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger