The Lost Journey of Soul Initiation


New Age / Esoterics


Bill Plotkin

New World Library

Infos :

Trade paperback
320 pp.
6 x 9

Language of origin

A Field Guide for Awakening to the Dream of the Earth

• With the Earth and so many of its people, species, and eco- systems in crisis, a renowned author outlines a path toward individual awakening and cultural regeneration

• Approaches psychological and spiritual maturation from the perspective of humanity’s native place in the greater web of life

• Offers a contemporary, Western, nature-based approach to the journey of soul initiation, which has been lost and forgotten by most current societies

• Features many compelling stories of those who have experi- enced the initiatory descent to soul, including Carl Jung, W.B. Yeats, and Joanna Macy

• Bill Plotkin’s books have sold more than 100,000 copies

As cosmologist Brian Thomas Swimme writes, Bill Plotkin lives “in the creative universe as articulated by quantum physics, indigenous traditions, and evolutionary cosmology.” While this might sound esoteric, Plotkin is anything but. He has devoted his life to guiding individuals to discover their soul’s purpose — their unique niche in the Earth community. Here, in a culmination of his life’s work, Plotkin describes for the first time the five phases of the descent to soul. Stories of those who have undertaken the journey illuminate the process, which includes the dissolution of earlier identity, the revelation of destiny or mythopoetic identity, and the subsequent metamorphosis of the ego into that of an initiated adult. Readers need not be familiar with Plotkin’s previous works to benefit from this revolutionary, phase-by-phase guidance through the lost jour- ney of soul initiation, a journey that can transform individuals and cultures — and, ultimately, our planet.


Bill Plotkin

BILL PLOTKIN, PHD, is a depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and agent of cultural evolu- tion. As founder of western Colorado’s Animas Valley Institute, he has led thousands of women and men through nature-based initiatory passages. He lives in Durango, Colorado.

Agence Schweiger