

Garden & Nature

Elke Schwarzer


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

128 pages, 114 colour photographs,
paperback with flaps

Allrounders for the garden: beautiful, resilient and insect friendly. Nothing beats them! – 84 perennials, trees and shrubs.

• Heat, torrential rain and overly mild winters that favour only slugs and pests – Elke Schwarzer has more than mere remedies for such frustrations.

• Colourful and indomitable: this book profiles 84 plants with superpowers. They can be used to plant up difficult sites, while being both climate-fit and effective in providing nutrition for bees and other insects.

• All superplants are attractive, easy to look after and will enhance domestic gardens. In particular, however, they are also a great help for overcoming frustration when you’re gardening!

Elke Schwarzer

Elke Schwarzer has a long-standing passion for plants and insects and has a degree in biology. Since 2010, she has been running a blog on gardening which she feeds with photos and stories about her little garden.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger