My cabbage garden


Garden & Nature

Jean-Paul Thorez

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

21 x 21 cm
120 pages

This book contains everything you need to know on growing cabbages! It includes step-by-step instructions and an overview of the different varieties available. It provides botanical information on cabbage: origin, botanical description, development cycle…), cultivation requirements, sowing techniques, planting, maintenance, and finally the “world of cabbage” which is a presentation of 20 species of cabbage how to plan their cultivation in the garden throughout the year.

Jean-Paul Thorez

Jean-Paul Thorez is an agricultural engineer and has been an amateur gardener for many years. He is also a journalist specialised in organic gardening and author of numerous books on the subject. Sandra Lefrançois is a scientific mediator and journalist for organic gardening and environmental magazines. She creates and animates educational activities on plants and gardening.

Agence Schweiger