Produce all your vegetables, all year round


Garden & Nature

Blaise Leclerc

Jean-Jacques Raynal

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

21 x 21cm
120 pages

It is possible to eat home-grown fresh vegetables from your vegetable garden all year round! This book explains how to plan your crops, stagger planting times and manage production, store and preserve, and how to get through the winter off-peak period… It gives examples of ideal surface areas to cultivate and quantities to sow/plant depending on different family set-ups. A repertoire indicates the crucial dates, yields as well as growing and cookery tips for each vegetable. The end-result is vitamin-rich food, original meals and real savings.

Blaise Leclerc

Blaise Leclerc is an agricultural engineer and has gardened for the past 30 years. He is specialised in the interactions between agriculture and the environment and is a professional expert for ITAB (Institut Technique de l’agriculture biologique). He has also written many books, such as My delicious tomatoes or Good soil for good gardening.

Jean-Jacques Raynal

Jean-Jacques Raynal is a photographer.

Agence Schweiger