The Terre vivante Guide to Diseases and Pests in the Organic Vegetable Garden



Garden & Nature

Antoine Bosse-Platière

Blaise Leclerc

Brigitte Lapouge-Déjean

Denis Pépin

Jean-Paul Thorez

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

19,5 x 24 cm
320 pages

Prevent, identify, treat… without chemicals!

How is it possible to avoid garden pests and disease? This book brings together the experiences and natural methods of 5 gardeners and agronomists to prevent and cure in the garden, without chemicals. Numerous photos are used to easily identify problems and an index of diseases and pests allows quick access to the solutions.


Antoine Bosse-Platière

Journalist and gardener.

Blaise Leclerc

Blaise Leclerc is an agricultural engineer and has gardened for the past 30 years. He is specialised in the interactions between agriculture and the environment and is a professional expert for ITAB (Institut Technique de l’agriculture biologique). He has also written many books, such as My delicious tomatoes or Good soil for good gardening.

Brigitte Lapouge-Déjean

Gardener and author

Denis Pépin

Ecologist and agronomist.

Jean-Paul Thorez

Jean-Paul Thorez is an agricultural engineer and has been an amateur gardener for many years. He is also a journalist specialised in organic gardening and author of numerous books on the subject. Sandra Lefrançois is a scientific mediator and journalist for organic gardening and environmental magazines. She creates and animates educational activities on plants and gardening.

Agence Schweiger