Making Cheese from Sheep’s, Goat’s and Cow’s Milk




Eduard Hauss

Wolfgang Scholz


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

168 pages
85 colour photographs
12 illustrations
20 tables


Basic principles, techniques and day-to-day practice for direct marketers

Anyone who keeps sheep, goats or cows, or runs a farm shop takes great pleasure in processing the milk to make yoghurt, cheese and ice cream. In this book, you’ll find everything you need to know in order to transform your valuable raw products into delicious specialities ready for sale: the biological and biochemical basis, step-by-step requirements in cheese cuisine, milk processing and cheese-making, together with legal tips for direct marketing. The Austrian dairy master Wolfgang Scholz explains the background, shows you the working steps, presents tried-and-true recipes and enables you to profit from his practical experience.

Eduard Hauss

Eduard Hauß has been active in the field of new food development for over 30 years and shares his knowledge at many training events.

Wolfgang Scholz

Wolfgang Scholz is a retired dairy farmer and has been a trainer in dairy farming courses and seminars for over 30 years.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger