Fascia Training for everybody



Sports and Martial Arts

Frank Thömmes

Copress - Stiebner

Language of origin

Infos :

144 Pages
16,5 × 24,2 cm


Learn all you need to know about fascial training and fascial release through using foam rolls and balls in different sizes and degrees of hardness!

This book will teach you all you need to know for your training: Find various exercises for different health problems like backpain, lower flexibility or muscles tenseness.

Be pain free and flexible again, with the right training-routine!

Frank Thömmes

Frank ThÖmmes is a graduate sports teacher, has a variety of trainer and additional therapeutic qualifications and is internationally active as a speaker on the subject of BeBalanced!, functional and athlete training with physio tools. His most recent works include "fascial training" and "sling training".

Agence Schweiger