Dancing with elephants




Jarem Sawatsky

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Mindfulness Training for those who live with dementia, chronic illness or an ageing brain

Multi-Award-Winning Book:

Are you battling a chronic illness or an aging brain? This guide to mindfulness shares simple practices, insightful stories, and humorous wisdom to help you find joy and confidence while facing life’s challenges.


“In Dancing with Elephants, Jarem Sawatsky offers a powerful example of the art of real happiness. This inspiring story reminds us just how essential it is to bring lovingkindness into every step of life.” – New York Times bestselling author Sharon Salzberg

“When life seems to be falling apart, Jarem Sawatsky’s interesting and entertaining book reminds us that laughter is what we need to not take ourselves too seriously. ” – New York Times bestselling author Jen Mann


★★★★★ “You won’t forget this any time soon!”
★★★★★ “Wow! Just…wow!”
★★★★★ “Helps each of us learn about loving, letting go, and living in the present moment”
★★★★★ “The most helpful book I’ve read on living with serious illness”
★★★★★ “A very amazing book to read”
★★★★★ “Outstanding book!”
★★★★★ “This book is a great read”
★★★★★ “Captivated me from the very beginning”
★★★★★ “Written with all the earmarks of authenticity”
★★★★★ “I have never ever said this before: this book changed my life”
★★★★★ “Allowed me to look more deeply with the eyes of compassion”
★★★★★ “The courage and humor in this story are amazing”

From the Author


Facing Elephants

Part I Reverence for Life
Embracing the Hard Things
Replacing Fear with Love
Letting Go
Celebrating Everything
Living the Life You’ve Got with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Part II True Happiness
Living Beauty Awake
Embracing Dustness
Walking the Urban Pilgrimage
Loving a Puppy
Diving into an Ocean of Gratitude with Patch Adams

Part III True Love
Responding to a Disease with a Circle
Dying and Mourning with Love
Loving Our Ancestors
Playing with Children
Being Disarmed by Joy with Lucy Kalanithi

Part IV Loving Speech and Deep Listening
Refusing to Battle My Disease
Naming Your Own Way
Making Friends with Darkness
Remembering Forgetting Is OK
Breathing Anger
Practicing Awe During Winter’s Creep with John Paul Lederach

Part V Nourishment and Healing
Embracing Weakness
Falling Mindfully
Valuing Your Life
Eating like a Buddha
Developing a Family Health Plan
Mandela Gardening
Practicing Self-Compassion with Toni Bernhard

Jarem Sawatsky

Jarem Sawatsky, Ph.D, has been a professor, a wilderness guide, a dishwasher, a pastor, and a national canoeing instructor. He has travelled the world looking for communities of healing justice, started an international peace school and paddled a canoe surrounded by icebergs and 30,000 beluga whales. He and his wife share their home with their twin daughters and golden lab. Since being diagnosed with a terminal disease, he has been stumbling his way (literally) into finding more healing and joyful ways to live. His most recent book is the National Bestselling and award-winning “Dancing with Elephants: Mindfulness Training For Those Living With Dementia, Chronic Illness or an Aging Brain.”

Agence Schweiger