Guy Trédaniel

Pioneer and pioneer in alternative medicine since 1974, editor of the biggest names in spirituality, Guy Trédaniel is a rebellious whose vocation is to offer his readers reference works that will be part of the collective memory of our time. Christel Petitcollin, Michel Dogna, Yves Réquena, Jean-Jacques Charbonier, Lilou Mace, Jean-Pierre Willem, Mirko Beljanski, Jean-Noël Delatte, Philippe Sionneau, Catherine Despeux, but also Masaru Emoto, Deepak Chopra, Osho, Don Miguel Ruiz, Wayne Dyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Thich Nhat Hanh and many others … have in common to enlighten our minds with their light, whether they are doctors, researchers, scientists or spiritual masters …

Agence Schweiger