Oracle of animal allied spirits


Tarots & Oracles

Corine Mystery

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

144 pages
115 x 160 mm

But what does the bee buzz in your ear when it brushes past you? What message does the cow send you when you meet her gentle gaze? What is the teaching of the kangaroo or the medicine of the lion? What wisdom does the eagle, the bison or the wolf carry?

From the insect to the mammal, animals from our countryside and from the five continents, flying, crawling, swimming, two-legged or four-legged, real or legendary… no less than 103 animal spirit allies speak to you in this shamanic oracle. They will deliver their messages to you in a simple, direct and relevant way, in the first person singular, because it is your soul that is speaking to you!

This box contains :

103 divinatory cards.
A 144 page booklet.
A cotton bag to protect your cards.

Corine Mystery

Corine Mystery's personal history in this "Middle World" has led her to the practice of psychotherapy while her Allied Spirits in the other worlds have led her to shamanic practices. She organises many workshops and trainings. She teaches how to connect with her own guides in order to benefit from their Wisdom, their Teachings, their Strength, in an autonomous way. At no time does she use psychotropic plants; only the drum allows the Shamanic Journeys, during the Group Workshops.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger