The Oracle of my inner power


Tarots & Oracles

Carole Smille

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

84 pages
85 x 135 mm

This oracle will help you to search for your inner power.

By working with the colours, elements and crystals, you will be better able to connect with your own essence and sprinkle your life with magic.

For each card you will find :

3 keywords to capture the energy of the card,
1 global message to welcome like a mantra,
1 interpretation to accompany you,
1 message from the crystal which transmits its own power to you.

This box contains :

30 oracle cards
1 book of 84 pages

Carole Smille

Carole Smille est la fondatrice de la marque Let’s play on the moon, la créatrice de la méthode Litho positive, et auteure. Elle est coach en développement personnel et spécialiste en psychologie des couleurs. Elle met ses capacités magiques pour accompagner des autres.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger