Vegan cosmetics




Gabriela Nedoma

Hirsch Siegrid


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Thread stitching
17 x 22 cm
Pages 160

Easy. Handmade. Natural.

Herbal expert Siegrid Hirsch and herbal pedagogic Gabriela Nedoma have compiled their vegan natural cosmetics recipes and combined them in a unique recipe book. Each author has a slightly different approach to pure herbal creams, anti-aging skin care, ointments, skin smoothies, masks, decorative cosmetics, deodorants or shampoos, resulting in a colorful wealth of tips and tricks, where every woman will find the right product for herself. The recipes are quick and easy to prepare and suitable for all skin types. Many additional information about the correct treatment of our largest organ supplement the extensive recipe section. Also included: Overview of reference addresses for vegan cosmetics

Gabriela Nedoma

Gabriela Nedoma is a book author, nature educator and seminar leader. In her work she deals with nature education and skin ecology and imparts practical knowledge for a life from nature. She started the initiative "Nature protects skin" and the Green Cosmetics Pedagogy, educational measures to promote nature-based skin socialisation. She is also committed to ecological lifestyles and cosmetics without animal testing.

Hirsch Siegrid

Siegrid Hirsch , après une formation de technicien en bâtiment, a été rédacteur ORF pendant de nombreuses années, s'est impliqué dans les plantes médicinales depuis son plus jeune âge. Elle a complété sa formation de plantes médicinales et de botaniste à l'école des herbes d'Ignaz Schlifni. Active en tant que membre du conseil d'administration de la plus ancienne et plus grande association d'herbes d'Autriche, elle est rédactrice en chef du magazine «Gesundheitsbote» depuis 2002.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger