Trilogy of the Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram – Fear, Anger and Unfulfilled Love



OM C. Parkin

Gateways Books

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Publication date

Infos :

3 volumes hardcover; 175, 200 and 248 pages

According to the wisdom teachings of all great spiritual traditions, life, the whole cosmos arises from the interactions of three great forces: creation, maintenance, and destruction or birth, life, and death. This “Law of Three” applies also to the three main energetic centers of the human being, the physical, emotional, and the mental center corresponding to body, heart and head. The unobstructed flow of energy through these centers would constitute the natural way of being and living in harmony with the universal laws, in harmony with all creation.

This natural flow however is obstructed by the mind that has developed to extraordinary intellectual powers in the course of evolution and brought forth an individual ego, a separate entity that puts itself above natural laws, even above God, and wants to be itself the creator of its world. By interfering with the natural flow of energy through its individual egoistic motivations and activities it actually has become the creator of a distorted world of suffering.

The Enneagram, an ancient cosmology that describes the cosmic laws of all existence, also depicts the structures of the seemingly individual human ego-mind that is basically also submitted to the “Law of Three”.


Briefly summarizing a much more complex context, there are essentially three groups of people that have blocked, “fixated” the natural flow of energy each in one of the energy centers of the human being. Accordingly in their lives they deal with different issues and drives creating a particular form of suffering. A person fixated in the physical center, the gut center, is driven by anger, continuously fighting against That-Which-Is, against people and circumstances bothering its individual, egoistic concerns. A fixation in the mental center creates fear and keeps people on an eternal run from what seems to threaten them and their concerns on the outside, while a fixation in the emotional center generates a distorted form of love here called “unfulfilled love” corresponding to its particular characteristics, a constant striving for something other, something seemingly better than That-Which-Is. Consciousness narrows and contracts becoming imprisoned in a separate person’s mind and its small fictitious world, displaying a complete loss of reality.


“The loss of reality of every human being consists only of 3 inner mental movements. The teachings of the Enneagram describe the ‘three mental-emotional pillars of the ego’ as three equivalent (or better: equally un-equivalent) inner movements against reality that are actively carried out, but without perfect awareness. Accurate knowledge of these 3 fundamentally different movements, gained through self-enquiry, sheds light on the mental-emotional darkness, a labyrinth of subconscious thought-forms and emotions, to which a person often feels exposed.” OM C. Parkin


In his trilogy about these three inner mental movements that cause the allover human suffering of separation


  1. Fear – the Flight from Reality
  2. Anger – the Fight against Reality
  3. Unfulfilled Love – Striving for Illusionary Reality


OM C. Parkin in a preliminary essay respectively explores in detail the complex mechanics of these driving forces to which people are subjected without being aware of it. The second part of each book consists of extracts from dialogues with students in darshans during the last 30 years. Here he shows to those who are truly interested in leaving behind that mechanical life and the ensuing suffering a way out, back into the flow of the Great River of Being that is in harmony with the cosmic laws. He demonstrates that the only way out is the way in: To turn away from the overwhelming outside turmoil, to turn inside and explore what is happening there, to disidentify from this fictitious separate person and its fixated mind, let consciousness expand again and finally learn that there is nothing better than That-Which-Is, actually that there is nothing than That-Which-Is.


When the three unconscious movements compulsively used by the ego for its egoistic machinations have calmed down in inner stillness, the “fourth movement” which is impersonal and free from the ego’s obsessions can arise from stillness moving towards, against or away from something or just remaining motionless according to the needs of the actual situation.


“The way out of the captivity of this dynamic of unconscious forces is also shown, which becomes possible only in the so-called fourth movement. This can be described as “a spiritual inner form of movement that no longer springs from the personal world of the ego.” OM C. Parkin

This unfolding of the very essence of the human being through the overcoming of blind identification with the three mental movements, which goes hand in hand with the integration of physical exercise, mental maturation and spiritual insight, is called the ‘Fourth Way’ by Gurdjieff and ‘Integral Yoga’ by Sri Aurobindo.

OM C. Parkin

OM Cedric Parkin is a German wisdom teacher, modern mystic, inner scientist. He accompanies whoever is interested on their path towards the SELF. As a teacher of stillness he passes on his realization of the Absolute and his deep knowledge of the conditioned ego-mind. He teaches in the form of Darshan (meeting in Truth), retreats, lectures and at his international School for Inner Work. In 1990 he suffered a serious car accident, crossed the threshold of death and woke up again to life, egolessly. His teaching, which he also refers to as Inner Science, is based on the Eastern advaita tradition (teaching of non-duality) and as well on Western experiential paths. He is also the founder of the Gut Saunstorf Monastery in Germany where his initiatives are based.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger