Treat every ailment with only 16 essential oils



Anthony Touboul

Françoise Couic Marinier

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

15 x 21 cm
240 pages

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A practical manual of aromatherapy for the family

16 essential oils, no more, no less, to treat everyday ailments! Indications of use, precautions and ailment type (anti-infective, ENT ear-nose-throat, digestion, etc.) are given for each essential oil. 300 different formulas for health, but also for beauty, home, cooking, veterinary care are listed using these 16 oils. Personal testimonies are given as well as anecdotes and results of scientific studies. The book is written by two renowned aromatherapy specialists, both authors of the

Guide Terre vivante des huiles essentielles (éd. Terre vivante), a reference book.


Anthony Touboul

A graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Lyon, I first specialised in the industrial manufacture of medicines. Then, my interest in the patient quickly took over. I am a carer and I like to help people. My specialisation in aromatherapy allows me to take care of the patient in a more complete way while preventing the major risk of misuse of essential oils.

Françoise Couic Marinier

Dr. Françoise Couic Marinier is a doctor of pharmacy, a trainer in phytotherapy and aromatherapy for health professionals and a university lecturer. She is author of articles and books for the general public and professionals and has co-founded the only university degree in clinical aromatherapy in France (Strasbourg). She also trains several hundred health professionals every year, contributing to the development of aromatherapy in the hospital.

Agence Schweiger