Three circles oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Laurence Malè

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Infos :

12 x 17
Cards and a 67 pages leeftet

Welcome to this sacred space.

Referring to the world of the invisible can bring inner peace, this connection to our soul. Based on shamanic knowledge, these cards draw their essence from the three circles which we are surrounded by: the inner (the animals of power and the guides who can help) – the outside (the elements that can guide us) – the Whole (the divine connection with the stars).
The archetypes proposed in this oracle are thus intended to bring you the help you need for a clearer vision during questioning.
The author used the Brusho technique, using China ink, to create these inspiring cards.

Laurence Malè

Bookseller, publisher and musician, LAURENCE MALÈ trained in reiki, various shamanic practices and mediumship. A singer-songwriter of pop music, she has also composed music inspired by the elements. She is co-author of "L'inspiration chamanique au quotidien", published by the same publisher.

Agence Schweiger