Things Women Don’t Talk About



Ruth Niederkofler


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Pages: 184

Taboo topics from all areas of life that we should talk about

Taboo topics from all areas of a woman’s life: you don’t talk about it! Problems of the human psyche such as depression and alcoholism, questions about the female body such as breast reduction or the premenstrual syndrome to interpersonal problems such as misunderstandings behind bedroom doors or general taboo subjects like death – Ruth Niederkofler does not take a leaf out of her mouth. As authentic as she is in her videos on Facebook and her website “Growing old healthy”, the health trainer has now written a book. Because many women (and men) don’t dare to talk about certain problems, she decided to write about them! The sympathetic and spontaneous nature of the author frees serious topics from any embarrassment. Through detailed information on the carefully chosen chapters, the reader will experience many “aha” moments. For example, how do children suffer from alcohol addicts or when does sterilization make sense? You will find in this book topics that you don’t discuss with your partner or your mother and not even with your best friend. Because there is no taboo!

Ruth Niederkofler

Ruth Niederkofler from South Tyrol is a certified health trainer (Austria). She shares her knowledge and personal experiences with all interested parties on her website and in video form on her Facebook profile. A few years ago she founded the brand "Gesund alt werden".

Agence Schweiger