The Wise Shamaness in You


Tarots & Oracles

Ina Ruschinski


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

40 cards
89 x 127 mm
incl. paperback guidebook (144 pages, 115 x 165 mm)

Awaken your soul power

Sometimes we reach a point in life where we ask ourselves: »What next? Where can I find healing? Where happiness? What is my purpose?« Then we want someone to take our hand and say: »This way. This is your path. This is you!«
40 atmospheric cards connect you with a part of yourself that you can follow with con- fidence at any time: the wise inner shamaness. As you listen to her messages, she reminds you of the wisdom of your soul and that there is so much more within you that wants
to be revealed and lived. Are you ready? Then set out and begin your journey at the end of which you will reconnect to your true self. And be aware at every step: it is your path, it is your wise shamaness who is speaking to you. It is your soul power that you are going to awaken day by day.


Ina Ruschinski

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger