The oracle of ankaa


Card Decks & Oracles

Stéphanie Abellan

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Infos :

10 x 15
52 cards
70 page-book

Ankaa’s oracle is a valuable personal development tool to free yourself and cleanse the blocking memories that are crystallized in your cellular memory throughout your transgenerational lineage or through your personal experiences. Thanks to these 52 beautifully illustrated cards, you will be able to locate where the problem that affects you comes from and understand the reasons for the emotional overflow that overwhelms you. In just a few minutes, you will be able to locate at what level the painful energy and emotional knot was formed, and for what reasons it was created. Finally, you will receive guidance on how to release the problem. In the companion book, you will discover the deep meaning of each card, as well as the methods or techniques of liberation to carry out this work independently.

Stéphanie Abellan

Stéphanie Abellan has always been interested in spirituality and personal development. In 2018, she decided to open an Instagram account to share her knowledge on these subjects with her personality and joyful temperament. In January 2019, she creates the concept of the highly successful energy jewelry "Médeores" and the collection of Ankaa's books. All her work focuses on the release and cleansing of cellular memory. She is the author of Karma Bitch, from the same publisher.

Agence Schweiger