The Nature of Water


Illlustrated Albums

New Age / Esoterics

Jörg Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger

AT Verlag

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

374 pages
Numerous illustrations and sketches

The Original Texts of Viktor Schauberger, the Pioneer of Water Research

• The original texts of Viktor Schauberger, the pioneer of water research

Hardly a water book that does not quote him: Viktor Schauberger, the legendary water researcher. Though there are many books on Viktor Schauberger, there is not one – except the republished note of caution »Our futile work« – that focuses on his writings. This book fills a gap. Jörg Schauberger, grandson of the water researcher, selected the most important among the vast number of essays, articles, and letters by Viktor Schauberger dating from the first half of the 20th century. Experiences and realisations of the visionary nature observer are thematically arranged. Over many decades he manages to gradually unveil the nature of water. Eloquently he develops a completely new concept of the primal matter and thereby lays the foundation stone of modern water research. Among the highly up-to-date topics features the proposal for an entirely new type of river regulation based on the extensive abolishment of solid embankments, as according to Viktor Schauberger flowing water can be regulated from within, i.e. by influencing the medium itself. Basically it is all about perceiving water as what it really means for man, nature and the entire planet Earth: the source of all life and the basis of existence.

Jörg Schauberger

Jörg Schauberger born 1954, grandson of Viktor Schauberger.Mathematics studies in Graz. Until 1999 radio reporter and presenter with ORF. Today leader of the Pythagoras Kepler School (PKS) founded by his father in Bad Ischl in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria. He is dedicated to the propagation of Viktor and Walter Schauberger's research results by means of seminars, lectures and publications.

Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger 1885-1958, forest ranger, ingenious inventor, researcher and observer of nature. The pioneer of water research, immensely influencing the following generations of researchers.Groundbreaking research on soil composition and water quality, studies on the influence of temperature on the flowing behaviour of water, inventor of the first appliances to revive water and transform sea water into freshwater. Numerous contributions to scientific journals. His son Walter Schauberger continued his research.

Agence Schweiger