Goddess Power


New Age / Esoterics


Isabella Price


Language of origin

Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life

#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Feminine Empowerment

Path of the Goddess: At the dawn of religion, God was a Woman. The Divine Feminine is known by innumerable names and symbol-rich manifestations across the world’s cultures. Throughout the ages the Goddess has been honored and worshiped as the Virgin Mary, Isis, Inanna, Asherah, Diana, Kuan Yin, Kali, Oshun, Athena, Pele, Sarasvati, Demeter, and White Buffalo Calf Woman, to mention just a few. Many conceptions of the Goddess are.

Isabella Price

Isabella Price, MA, is an international speaker, author, and higher education professional at JFK University where she teaches World Spirituality courses. Isabella is the author of the leading-edge book series One Truth, Many Paths on the worlds wisdom traditions, which includes her.

Agence Schweiger