The Handbook for Allergy Sufferers



Henning Müller-Burzleri

Windpferd Verlag

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Publication date

Infos :

192 pages

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Recognising and curing the allergy syndrome: Neurodermatitis, asthma, hay fever, hyperactivity and others.

Complete healing of allergies is possible. This book shows how you can live free of symptoms. Henning Müller-Burzler goes far beyond previous allergy guide- books. First: healing of allergies, even completely, is possible. Secondly: there really is a main trigger for aller- gies. And thirdly: he shows what exactly has to be done to live free of symptoms again.

Allergic diseases have increased at an alarming rate. It is important to understand why allergies develop in adults, children and even babies, why more and more people suffer from allergies. In addition, there are far more health problems that are caused by allergies than is generally assumed – you will also learn a lot of new in- formation about this in this book. In addition to first aid measures for hay fever, asthma, neurodermatitis and co., new therapies are presented: These include the 10-point nutrition programme for allergy sufferers and the vita- min detoxification developed by Henning Müller-Burzler, which bring quick and lasting success. With examples.


Henning Müller-Burzleri

Henning Müller-Burzler, born in 1963, has been running a naturopathic practice since 1992. He studied dentistry, but then devoted himself entirely to naturopathy. For over 30 years, he has been intensively involved with the subject of nutrition. In addition to his nutritional studies, he re- searches the causes and treatment options of diseases and developed effective new therapies. The focal points of his work as a naturopath are therefore detailed nutritional con- sultations and the treatment of chronic diseases, especially allergies, food intolerances and other intolerances, diseases of the digestive tract and chronic infections with viruses, bacteria and parasites..

Agence Schweiger