The greatest Forgeries of History


Social Sciences

Frank Fabian


Language of origin

Infos :

241 pages
78,292 Words

More Lies of History

Bush. Darwin. Hitler. Holy Marie. Jesus Christ. Lenin. Marx. Robespierre.   Saddam Hussein. Stalin. Voltaire. Zarathustra

The second book of the series “The Biggest Lies of History” deals with the unbelievably smart methods of the forger who twisted historical truth.

In this book ideas and philosophies are looked at under the microscope – contrary to Volume One in which individuals are mainly looked at.

○ Up to today, the wildest theories are reported of what happened 6 million years ago. How did our history begin? When did “man” develop into homo sapiens?

And what did happen 6 and then 2.5 million years ago, when man began to use tools?

○ Besides, there are all sorts of stories about old Egypt. By far too long, we have not known what happened in this advanced ancient culture. And what should we know about the subject of the “Forbidden Egyptology”? What are we not permitted to say about old Egypt?

○ And what about Persia? Who knows at least the basics of Persian history? And who knows to what unbelievable degree the Persian customs are still ours – in the present day?

○ The Last Judgement Day is also thoroughly checked. There is hardly any subject that has been lied about so much as this topic. In fact, stories about the Last Judgement Day had already existed far before Christianity. In highly-secret, inner religious circles many priests knew about it – Indian priests, Egyptian priests, Greek priests, the Etruscans and the Jews. It was secret knowledge in those circles.

○ We also encounter lies in every national and nationalistic writing. Examples are given in this book, reaching from old Greece to old Rome up to the lies in Germany under Hitler and the USA under George W. Bush. Historical writing is falsified because of this.

○ Finally, and highly-explosive, is the marxist-communistic historical writing. Here we find so many half-truths and “quarter-truths” or no truth at all and so many lies that one does not know where to start and where to end.

○ To be revealed is the most dangerous forgery: “The protocols of the wise men of Zion.”

The reader will gain utterly new insight into our history, but also in the art of history writing. Our history books are full of unbelievable errors and ideologies. The reader will find exciting and suspenseful biographies and some unorthodox, courageous, new interpretations of many facts which utterly throw new light on many “historical truths.”

Frank Fabian

Frank Fabian (pen name) studied German language and literature, history and philosophy at the universities of Würzburg and Frankfurt.After his state examination Fabian worked as a television journalist for ZDF, various editorial offices (Drehscheibe, Heute, Länderspiegel, ZDF-Magazin) and created around 200 short films.Parallel to this Fabian worked for the ZDF-editing department for a whileand for the Hessischer Rundfunk, where he reported on many subjects about the day-to-day politics of the state of Hessen.From 1982 to 1985, Fabian held the function of editor-in-chief at a publishing house in Wiesbaden and created two magazines.In 1985 Fabian had a spectacular success while with the Norman Rentrop-Verlag (later renamed as Publishing house for the German industry). His book: How to become an independent Realtor became the publisher's biggest success ever and a super bestseller.Fabian wrote many books for the Rentrop-Verlag. In 1987 Fabian's published books were put on the Rentrop-Verlags internal best seller list -holding positions 1, 2, 4 and 5 simultaneously. And thus, Fabian was the publishing house's most successful author and its Nr. 1.As a result numerous publishers approached the bestselling author for a cooperation. Fabian wrote, among other things, books for these publishers: Heyne-Verlag, Falken-Verlag, Eichborn-Verlag, Möwe-Verlag, Engels-Verlag, Verlag moderne Industrie.His book Money, creating assets, saving taxes, was another spectacular bestseller, it was published by the Heyne-Verlag, Germany's largest paperback publisher. It sold 20,000 copies in its first month alone, many editions followed.Today Fabian is published by 24 publishing houses in Germany and abroad. His books appear in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Poland, and Russia. Fabian emigrated to the United States of America in 2004.Thomas Tryzna, Ph.D, professor for English at the Seattle Pacific University, evaluated Fabian`s entire work, reviewing 700 pages of press reports, confirmations from leading politicians and documentation material from experts on Fabian. He confirmed that Mr. Fabian is "widelyknown, honored and successful, both from the sides of criticism and in economic terms." Fabian received a US visa on the grounds of "exceptional proficiency". A Green Card.Each year new books were published under a total of seven pen-names now. Fabian again and again scaled various bestseller lists. For example, in 2015 and 2016 eight books by Fabian were published making it on to 20 different bestseller lists, on 7 lists they reached the number 1 position.Fabian has received many awards for his 150+ published books.In his novels as well as in his non-fiction books, Fabian devotes himself to human rights, tolerance and spiritual values. Some institutes for continuing teacher training and curriculum development recommended his books as textbooks for mainstream schools, colleges, for students, trainers and teachers, for the subjects of economy, law, ethics, history, and social studies

Agence Schweiger