The Ghost of Inflation


Social Sciences

Thomas Mayer


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

400 Pages

A Global History of Money and Value

All that glitters is not gold.

Fear of inflation is rife. But a look at the history of money shows that fear is not a good advisor—but examining assets is. Because gathering valuable information and thinking about your own assets pays off.

Ever since the Corona crisis began along with payouts of financial aid on an unimagined scale, people have wondered where all that money comes from and who is ultimately going to pay the bill. Money and its value have a thriller-worthy history that includes serious crises, poverty and fabulous wealth, sudden stock market crashes, but also general prosperity and long-term stability. But those now relying on savings are going to lose out. Financial expert Thomas Mayer shows what we can expect in the future, good things included.


Shortlisted for Deutscher Wirtschaftsbuchpreis (German Economy Book Prize) 2022

»This history about the world’s money is the most substantial and concise written so far.«

»In his non-fiction book he dispels the myths and misinformation about the topic of money.«

Thomas Mayer

Thomas Mayer, born in 1954, holds a doctorate in economics and is a renowned financial expert. He has worked for the International Monetary Fund in Washington and for the investment banks Salomon Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London, among others. In 2010, he became chief economist of the Deutsche Bank Group and head of Deutsche Bank Research. Since 2014, he has been the head of the think tank Flossbach von Storch Research Institute.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger