The E.V.A. Project



Card Decks & Oracles

Klaus Holitzka

Arun Verlag

Language of origin

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Discover & play with your Unique Many Parts: A change game with archetypes, roles, facets, dimensions and perspectives.


This game answers the best-selling question: “Who am I and if so, how many?” in an exciting and original way. Not theoretically, but as a living play on the stage of one’s own life.
36 cards give shape to the two, three, and many more “facettes” by appearing as archetypal figures such as “inner child,” “wise woman,” or “fighter”. They depict basic emotions such as joy, anger, and fear, and social roles such as partner, colleague, or mother. All together they form with their different perspectives and demands, their strengths and shadow sides what we call I.
One can lay the oracle with the cards in the usual way, but one can also experience them as representatives in a constellation by placing them as figures in a “stage space”.
Thus, this game is suitable for private use as well as in therapy. To get to know and accept ourselves in all our diversity and, if necessary, to bring movement into the game of life, makes us more flexible in our thinking and allows us to act more confidently and coherently.

Klaus Holitzka

Agence Schweiger