The Climate Cow



Florian Schwinn


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

240 pages

From environmental sinner to world saver Out of the barn and back to the pasture “It’s the milk that does it” used to be the slogan in advertising and similar slogans were also used to advertise meat.

Unthinkable today. After all, we know how harmful milk and meat are – for us and for the climate. We do know that cows are destroying the world’s climate with their methane emissions. But do we really know that? Are these narratives about our agriculture and diet supported by facts and scientifically verifiable?

No, they are not, says Florian Schwinn. On the contrary: the much-maligned cow can be our saviour. More than ten thousand years after we built our culture on the backs of cattle, we can save this very culture and thus our world with their help. To do so, however, we have to stop confining them to stables and turning them into high-performance machines.

We have to let them out again and give them back the space they once created with and for us.

Florian Schwinn

Florian Schwinn, born in 1954, is a journalist of politics and economy. He has worked in the areas of print and radio, and now he produces and hosts the German award winning radio show “Der Tag” for the Hessian Broadcast. For many years, Schwinn’s work has been revolving around environment protection, and the preservation of natural resources.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger