


Garden & Nature

Anja Banzhaf


Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

272 pages
Four-colour print throughout

»Those who have the seed call the shots« would be a proverb capturing the essence of nowadays agriculture: Those who control our seeds control the entire food chain. Agribusiness is attempting to take over control of the seed stocks worldwide. But in many places farmers and gardeners are fighting to retake control over their seeds and their way of farming. They pass on their knowledge on seeds, exchange heirloom varieties and test sustainable ways of working together. This beautifully designed book describes ways in which seed gardeners, breeders and activists can find ways to keep varieties alive and leaves you motivated to go plant your own seeds right away!

Anja Banzhaf

ANJA BANZHAF is a gardening and seed activist, and is committed to sustainable agriculture. She co-founded a network of urban gardens in Göttingen, has worked in a seed nursery and also treats the subject of seed artistically. She studied geography, natural resources and botany in Göttingen and Wellington, New Zealand and has participated in many social and agricultural projects inside and outside of Europe.

Agence Schweiger