After work



Tobi Rosswog


Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

144 pages

Over 40 hours a week in the office, and on Monday already longing for the weekend that’s not what a fulfilled life looks like. Nonetheless, a world without paid work is unimaginable for many people. But is there really no alternative?

Tobi Rosswog shows that there is another way without being idle. Renouncing paid employment does not mean lazing around doing nothing. Rather, it means leading a self-determined life and doing meaningful things. He sees his book as an invitation to change your own daily routine and to think outside the box. He starts with the questions: What do I really need? And what alternative ways are there to meet my material needs? The answer is to organise your working life in a different way, for example through part-time work, job sharing or working in a collective without a boss. The book suggests lots of possibilities for a fulfilling working life. You just have to dare to take the chance!

Tobi Rosswog

TOBI ROSSWOG is an activist, freelance lecturer and initiator working for socio-environmental transformation. He devotes all his time and energy to promoting change toward a society without paid work or money. He has been active in this field for ten years and gives around 100 lectures a year in which he encourages people to adopt a different perspective.

Agence Schweiger