Pioneers and adventurers of solar energy



Raphaël Domjan

Raphaëlle Javet

Éditions Favre

Language of origin

Infos :

136 pages
23 x 21 cm

Since the 1960s, solar energy has enabled people to envision a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. To continue dreaming and exploring the world, some pioneers have turned away from fossil fuels to find another source of mobility. Ingenious do-it-yourselfers and brilliant researchers, often surrounded by enthusiastic teams, they have demonstrated the incredible potential of solar energy through their incredible solar-powered machines. On land, on water or in the air, photovoltaic energy has thus been applied through visionary projects.

From the first solar car to current cars, from Solar Craft I, the first solar boat in history, to PlanetSolar, a gigantic solar catamaran that completed the first solar-powered round-the-world trip, from Solar One’s first flight in 1978 to Solar Impulse’s aerial round-the-world trip, discover the most significant episodes in the history of solar adventure.

Raphaël Domjan

Raphaël Domjan is an explorer, experimental ecologist and lecturer. He is the initiator and expedition leader of the first solar-powered round-the-world trip conducted between 2010 and 2012 aboard the solar catamaran PlanetSolar. He has also participated in solar car expeditions to the United States, completed the first polar solar navigation in the Northwest Passage in Canada's Far North and is the pilot and initiator of the SolarStratos solar aircraft project. He received the Swiss Solar Prize in 2012 and the European Solar Prize in 2013.

Raphaëlle Javet

Raphaëlle Javet is an archaeologist and historian. She is the director of PlanetSolar Foundation, which brings to life the legacy of the first solar- powered round-the-world trip and works to promote solar energy.

Agence Schweiger