Overcoming Stress with the Help of EFT



Reto Wyss

AT Verlag

Language of origin

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Infos :

Paperback with flaps
272 pages
Photos and illustrations

How to Set Ourselves Free by Tap Acupressure The 21-Day-Programme

• How to set ourselves free by tap acupressure The 21-day-programme

Stress has become a permanent everyday companion for a great number of people. Recent research assumes that a major part of all health problems is caused by emotional stress. Considering that many stress-ridden individuals have little free time at their disposal, there is a dire need for fast effective methods of stress relief. The successful EFT or »Emotional Freedom Techniques®« therapy is a remarkably efficient method that allows to easily and quickly get rid of burdensome stress occurrences without outside help by means of tapping on certain acupressure points. In this book Reto Wyss presents an EFT-based programme against stress, tested in practice. With the help of examples, check lists and exercises the most forceful cases of personal stress are first identified and then exposed to a structural 21-day treatment. The introductory chapters of the book allow us to develop a new perspective with regard to stress, and present Gary Craig’s EFT method step by step and hands-on. The author has worked out a crash course for particularly stressed individuals, which allows us to get to know and apply the EFT method within 30 minutes. Requiring a minimum of time – approx. 15 minutes per day – the anti-stress programme is convenient even for those disposing of very little time for themselves. Never has it been easier to relieve burdensome emotional stress.

Reto Wyss

Dr. phil. Reto Wyss born 1964, studies of psychotherapy, psychology and philosophy. He assists individuals on their way to emotional, mental and physical health as well as with achieving high performance goals. As director of the »Swiss Center for EFT« he has years of experience in training both people interested in personal use and experts from the fields of psychology, medicine and counselling how to apply EFT and other methods of psychological energy.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger