Living Heart-Healthy




Felix Pescoller


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Pages: 176

Prevent heart disease, recognize risk factors early and keep your own heart fit

The little muscle that keeps us alive: the heart. Most people don’t know much about their most important organ otherwise. It is not a given that it will strike. Too many of us do something to ensure that it often gets dangerously out of step or stops its work altogether. That is why diseases of the heart are also the leading cause of death. Thanks to quick care and modern high-performance medicine, doctors can make many hearts beat again and save lives. But a repaired heart is not a healthy heart. It would be much better to keep your heart beating with a healthy lifestyle. This includes more exercise, less stress and a balanced diet. It is just as important to get to know your heart better in order to know how it works and what is good or harmful to you.

The cardiologist Dr. Felix Pescoller takes the reader on a journey into a miracle of nature. With a lot of wit and charm, this guide gives an insight into the human heart. Structure, circulation, disease, risk factors and prevention are just a few areas that are covered. Numerous practical examples and tips for everyday life introduce the important topic. After reading this book, you will decide to take more care of your heart in order to give yourself a healthy and powerful heart and possibly a few more years of life.

Felix Pescoller

The author was born in 1973 and grew up in St. Martin in Thurn in South Tyrol's Badia Valley. After compulsory schooling and the Matura in South Tyrol, he moved to Innsbruck, where he began to study medicine, more by chance than by design. Muscles, bones and joints soon captivated him, but one organ in particular fascinated him: the heart. He devoted himself to it during his specialist training as a cardiologist. Since 2002, Pescoller has been working as a cardiology doctor at the hospital in Bolzano, specialising in haemodynamics and the implantation of pacemakers. When he goes home in the evening, clogged heart arteries are open again, a heart is beating in the right rhythm again and he has encouraged a patient to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle, it fills his heart with joy and satisfaction. In his private life, his heart beats for his family, his wife and two children, and for nature and the mountains, where, as often as his job allows, he spurs his heart on to peak performance.

Agence Schweiger