Let us Plant Paradises!



Timm Koch


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Publication date

Infos :

224 pages

Becoming Rich with the Diversity of Nature Instead of Poor Through its Destruction

The world is facing enormous upheavals. Ruthless deforestation, pesticide-soaked monocultures and antibiotic fattening in large barns are no longer appropriate. The balance after one hundred years: Industrialized agriculture and forestry have failed miserably. Timm Koch explains vividly and with many examples why the motto of the future must be: become rich with the wealth of nature instead of becoming poor through its destruction.His advice to those like-minded: Join forces, prevent the worst and count on better times!

Timm Koch

Timm Koch studied philosophy at the FU Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin. He has indulged in the archaic arts of botanic cultivation from a young age. His wildlife expertise includes gathering wild fruits and fungi, hunting, fishing, and bee keeping. It is no wonder that the shackles of modern food production are not as tight for him and his family, as they are for the rest of us.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger