Lactic acid pickle



Claudia Lorenz-Ladener

Ökobuch Verlag

Language of origin

Infos :

117 pages
Many colorful pictures

Gemüse gesund und einfach fermentieren

Lactic acid fermentation at home: keeping vegetables healthy and fast.

Lactic acid fermentation of vegetables is one of the most natural and oldest methods of preserving them. Sauerkraut is the best-known vegetable preserved by lactic acid, but hardly anyone knows that almost all vegetables can be preserved by lactic acid!

Lactic marinating is very simple and can be done all year round with just a few utensils that are available in every household. Unlike preserving or deep- freezing, no energy is required.

A further plus: Compared to other preservation methods, vitamins, enzymes and other valuable ingredients are largely preserved, and new, tasty flavouring substances are formed. The health benefits of lactic acid fermented foods are also considerable, as they are usually easier to digest than raw vegetables. Since lactic acid fermented vegetables, often also called medicinal foods, are hardly available in grocery stores, the motto is: Do-it-yourself.

How to do it and which foods can be enriched with it is described in detail in this book.

With short portraits of over 30 types of vegetables that are suitable for lactic acid pickling and with many recipes.

Claudia Lorenz-Ladener

Dipl.-Ing. Claudia Lorenz-Ladener studied industrial design and architecture. Today she is managing director of a non- fiction and specialist book publishing house. During her studies she discovered the fascinating and diver- se possibilities of using solar energy in the home and yard, and so she built a passive solar lean-to greenhouse together with friends more than 30 years ago.

Agence Schweiger