Kids’ Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine



Violette Tanner

AT Verlag

Language of origin

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Infos :

200 pages
150 colour photos

Collecting, Cooking and Experiencing Nature With Children

• Cooking with kids in natural surroundings
• Getting acquainted with wild herbs and healing plants, Playful knowledge transfer • Additional information for teachers and instructors

The book presents twelve plant portraits spreading over the four seasons. Children get to know wild garlic, goutweed, dandelion, stinging nettle, daisy, ribwort, rose hip, elder, marigold, hazelnut, spruce and coltsfoot in a playful way while collecting, preparing and cooking them at the open fire. Alongside simple everyday recipes that kids love, the book also offers many suggestions on how to preserve wild herbs. It presents the traditional use of these herbs for seasonal celebrations such as Easter, summer solstice, Saint Nicholas and Christmas. A separate section provides details on particular botanical, naturopathic and also mythological characteristics of each plant. Useful hints on possible confusion with other plants and a collectors’ guide allow for broader insights on the quality of the portrayed plants. The book is rounded off with songs, stories, fairy tales and handicraft instructions.

Violette Tanner

Violette Tanner born 1965, trained healing plant specialist, ecopedagogue, author and mother of three. Over the past 20 years she has focused specifically on domestic healing plants in folk medicine and wild herbs for kitchen use. She passes on her knowledge on domestic herb treasures in courses, herb walks, ecopedagogy seminars, lectures, newspaper op-eds and radio shows.

Agence Schweiger