How to train your brain to achieve more serenity



Doris Iding

Nanni Glück

Junfermann Verlag

Language of origin

Infos :

167 pages

We all want more peace and serenity. So why is it so hard to find both? One reason is the human brain which is equipped with a hypersensitive alarm system: the amygdala.

Our way of life contributes to the amygdala’s hypersensitivity. We aim to be perfect, we are using various media for communication and we find ourselves in a vicious circle of tension and stress. We no longer know how to relax and to recover from the challenges of our daily routine.

In a very light and entertaining way the authors explain how our brain works. This helps us to understand why achieving serenity can be so challenging.

Doris Iding

Doris Iding is teaching Yoga, MBRS and mindfulness.

Nanni Glück

Nanni Glück is an expert on communication and media.

Agence Schweiger