How to release from feelings of abandonment and separation anxiety



Roger Fiammetti

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

342 pages
150 x 220 mm

Every step in life subjects us to a passage, a change, an abandonment, a separation. We are all confronted with separation: from birth, breastfeeding and weaning, the first day of school and crying on the school yard, travel, adolescence, marriage when we separate from our parents, divorce, the death of loved ones, of a pet, illness, old age, death, anorexia, suicide, burn-out, etc.

During intrauterine life and the 10 months following birth, the attachment figure (mother or other) provides the child with the emotional support necessary to establish its security base.

If this stage is not reached, these separations, these losses of links, send us back to this deficiency and are, at the same time, the possibility of resilience and of reappropriating our confidence, our strength, our freedom.

This book identifies the fears linked to each trial of separation throughout life and proposes and proposes adapted solutions.

Roger Fiammetti

Roger Fiammetti is a physiotherapist and osteopath. He developed somato-emotional osteopathy. In addition to his consultations, he is involved in training courses for P.M.S. (psycho-medicosocial). He is also a lecturer and is often invited to share his research with both the general public and health practitioners.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger