Herbal Antibiotics



Felicia Molenkamp

AT Verlag

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44 Colour photos

Antibiotic Substances of Edible Wild Plants

• Edible wild plants and their antibiotic effects
• Using antibiotic plant substances instead of pharmaceutical antibiotics
• Medical knowledge and culinary delight

Antibiotic substances are not only provided by the pharmaceutical industry. They are provided by nature itself. Essential oils, bitter substances, tannins, resins, and glycosides can indeed compete with synthetic substances and even surpass them: They fight harmful bacteria without damaging their beneficial counterparts, and they are often also effective against viruses, fungal infections, and other pathogens. In an entertaining and informative way the author compares natural with chemical substances, she describes their characteristics and modes of action, and she combines medical knowledge with practical use. Featuring a range of tips on how to use the natural ingredients as a tasty complement in everyday cooking.

Felicia Molenkamp

Felicia Molenkamp is a qualified biologist. In her "KräuterSchule" (School of Herbs) she offers herb and tree walks, wilderness cooking classes, lectures on the pharmacology of domestic plants, and seminars for naturopaths.

Agence Schweiger