Healing your lost inner child




Robert Jackman


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282 pages
10,000 copies sold first year
3 translation contracts.

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The book and companion workbook will help you to:
• understand why hurt people find other hurt people.
• discover why you keep making the same mistakes.
• address your wounded inner child when it shows up unannounced.

• set healthy boundaries and feel more confident.
• restore your self-love, self-trust, and self-respect.

Most people don’t realize how much unresolved emotional pain they carry around. They don’t know why they always feel depressed, anxious, victimized, or disappointed. They wonder why they keep making the same self-sabotaging impulsive decisions.

Move from being an impulsive reactor to an authentic, conscious creator.

Robert Jackman

Robert Jackman is a board-certified psychotherapist who has helped a multitude of people on their healing path for more than twenty years. In addition to his private practice, he has taught graduate level classes at National Louis University in the Chicago area, led outpatient groups in hospitals, given lectures on mindfulness, hypnotherapy, codependency, and the role of spirituality in healing, and participated in numerous weekend retreats with Victories for Men. For more information about Robert Jackman, his other works and upcoming events please visit: www.theartofpracticalwisdom.com

Agence Schweiger