Getting Married To Myself



Claudia Wuttke

Scorpio Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

184 pages
Softcover with flaps
13.5 x 21.5 cm


The Path To Self-love And Fulfilment

The secret recipe for happiness

We are all looking for happiness and ease – and yet often remain in toxic relationships and joyless jobs. This was also the case for the author until two years ago, when she simultaneously lost everything: her partner, her job, her house. Suddenly she was a single mother in a small flat and at the age of 52 she was back at square one. Instead of sinking into self-pity, she used this radical break for a stocktaking and realised that up to this point she had only lived an image of herself. So she set out and radically cleared up old beliefs and her permanent desire for being recognised by other people in order to find the one thing she had always lacked: love and appreciation for herself.

Life coach Claudia Wuttke shows how you too can escape the spiral of self-deprecation and instead live in harmony with yourself, fulfilled and happy. Each chapter contains an exercise or practical and easy-to-apply advice enabling the reader to successfully follow their own personal path to self-love. Only when we truly embrace ourselves, we will attract what our heart needs and what is good for us in our uniqueness.

  • Trend topic of self-love and being “self-partnered” instead of “single”
  • Written authentically and true to life


Claudia Wuttke

Claudia Wuttke, born in 1966, was programme manager of a large publishing house for many years before she ventured a completely new start two years ago. After training as a Gateless Writing Teacher 2019 in the USA, she embarked on an increasingly spiritual path that led her to a new zest for life and self-love. Today she works as a life coach and author.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger