Fascial Swinging



Sports and Martial Arts

Stefan Wegener

Copress - Stiebner

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

160 pages

Fascias have an important task they divide muscles and support the lymph flow. The 10 fascial swing moves in this book make your fascias flexible and keep them healthy.

You can do this moves wherever you want and do not need any other equipment. They work for people of every age and fitness level. With a concept of little tests in the beginning of your training and 5 phases of exercises you start to work right at the weakest point of your fascias to make them flexible and soft again.

The exercises in this book is also great for physiotherapists and trainers they can be applied to physical therapies, in fascial training or for every warm-up and cool down during a training-routine.

Stefan Wegener

Stefan Wegener has been a personal trainer and physiotherapist for 20 years. He worked for several years in Spain. After a knee injury with arthrosis findings, he developed the exercises presented in the book and achieved good results and a decrease in complaints.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger