Exposing pathological narcissists





Silvia Christine Strauch


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

240 Pages
13.0 x 21 x 1.6 cm

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How you can protect yourself from love and energy thieves

Pathological narcissists are usually only recognized when you are confronted with them directly. It takes a lot of practice to expose the personality disorder in time to avoid these energy robbers.

Benefit from the author’s extensive experience. With this book she shows how you can expose pathological narcissists in the first step and protect yourself from them in the second step. In doing so, she lets you participate in many of her personal experiences and insights. The formulation of valuable tips and advice for everyday life round off this work on pathological narcissism in a professional form.

Silvia Christine Strauch

SILVIA CHRISTINE STRAUCH is a trained communication trainer and established book author. She dealt professionally with the subject of complementary medicine for 40 years. Her main areas of activity were coaching, personnel management and sales.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger