Dragon Consciousness Oracle


Tarots & Oracles

Gaby Shayana Hoffmann


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

50 cards
89 x 127 mm
including guidebook (120 pages)

Powerful messages from the dimension of dragons

With this card deck, Gaby Shayana Hoffmann created unique multidimensional portals that allow us to immerse ourselves in the po- werful energies of the dragon consciousness. If we open ourselves to joy, we experi- ence ease in life. If we come to peace, we receive new energy. If we trust the wise power of the heart, it lovingly guides us on our path. Supported by the intense vibrations and clear messages of the dragons, we can unfold our creative power in everyday life and attain true freedom.


Gaby Shayana Hoffmann

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger